
country music (尤指美國南部)鄉村音樂。

country party

Another country musician , george strait remains a constant in country music , from the 1980s through 1997 另一位鄉村音樂家喬治.斯特雷特從八十年代一直唱到了1997年。

“ we are hoping that gympie will be the launch pad for many careers in the country music industry , “ he said “我們希望金皮成為鄉村音樂事業騰飛的起點, ”他說。

Country music sensation keith urban has voluntarily checked himself into rehab , according to media reports 據報道,鄉村歌手凱斯?厄本主動把自己請進了戒療所。

Country music sensation keith urban has voluntarily checked himself into rehab , according to media reports 據報道,鄉村歌手凱斯厄本主動把自己請進了戒療所。

Country music ' s roots are in the songs of the american south , brought over by early immigrants from england 鄉村音樂的根源是早期英格蘭移民帶來的南美歌曲。

This style brought country music to a broader audience had crossover hits during this period 這種風格給鄉村音樂贏得了更多的聽眾,在那個時代引起轟動。

This is the appeal of country music , which speaks to the basic emotions of human life 這就是鄉村音樂的魅力所在,它直指人類生活中最基本的一些感情。

Ultimately , wide - open spaces became the best - selling album ever by a country music group 最終,它成為一個鄉村音樂演唱組有史以來銷量最好的專輯。

In the 1920s , country music came into being as its first recordings were made 在20世紀20年代,錄制出了最早的鄉村音樂唱片,鄉村音樂隨之形成。

My favorite music is american country music and i like to watch usa film specially 我最喜歡的音樂是美國的鄉村音樂并且我特別喜歡看美國電影。

How can we differentiate country music from other kinds of music on this theme 在這個主題上,我們怎樣才能把鄉村音樂同其他音樂區分開來呢?

Every saturday night the place is filled to the ceiling with country music fans 每到星期六晚上,這個地方就擠滿了鄉村音樂的愛好者。

The late 1980 ' s saw country music ' s return to the most popular genre in music 八十年代末鄉村音樂又成為了最受歡迎的音樂種類之一。

Wuat radio - country music with live streaming audio and in - studio web cam 易易工作室-各種在線工具,站長網志,以及多個應用項目。

One subject to which country music often returns is “ the good old days 鄉村音樂經常反復歌唱的一個主題就是“往昔美好的日子。 ”

There is lively entertainment from broadway hits to jazz and country music 有現場的百老匯走紅的演出,也有爵士樂或者鄉村音樂。

Well dick , perhaps you can tell your members to stop buying country music 好的,迪克,也許你可以叫你的會員們別再買鄉村音樂了

There is lively entertainment from broadway hits to jazz and country music 現場娛樂表演涵蓋百老匯的熱門劇與爵士、鄉村音樂。

Country music has become big business . it brings in 300 million dollars a year 鄉村音樂發展成為一項商業,每年盈利3億美元。